May 9, 2011

New Beginings

December 13, 2010
Last Friday, I left Job Corps. One of the security guys, Brandon took me down to my dorm to get my stuff right after he got to work, and for half an hour we spent our time loading my stuff into the Durango. On the way down, I warned Brandon I had a lot of stuff, but he wasn't quite prepared for it. My stuff was in the aisle of the AWOL room, and when we got there and he opened the door, he was amazed at how much stuff I had-- 7 boxes and several bags, including a suitcase, hiking backpack, and my school backpack. Brandon got me laughing so much with him picking on me about how much stuff I had, and when I reminded him that I had been there for two years, he told me that in four years of college he hadn't accumulated nearly as much.
When we got back up to the gate, my friend Deedee was there waiting. Given her car wasn't big enough to fit everything, I put only what I absolutely needed into her car. Brandon had offered to put my stuff in the shed at the gate until I could pick it up. He finally went to ask the security manager about driving myself and my boxes out to seaside, who said yes if we could do so in one trip. So we got to spend an extra half an hour together.
We laughed more on the drive-- there were a couple of times when he changed lanes and I looked to see if there was anyone next to us; habit from when I was driving.

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