March 18, 2011

Natural Disasters

Last Thursday, there was an earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Areas of the west coast of the US were evacuated, including Seaside, OR. I have read articles and seen photos and videos of the damage in Japan, and it breaks my heart-- not so much the damage to the buildings and cars and earth, but rather the impact the damage has had on the people there; that and the lives that have been lost. Many people are trapped or without food, water, shelter or warm clothing, or wondering where there loved ones are. Others have died--drowned, crushed, starved, dehydrated. I cry even as I type this. I know that there is hope in God, but there is only a small percentage of Christians over there; it is one of my most fervent prayers that the Japanese come to know God through this tough time. I think God is allowing natural disasters to be more frequent and severe as a way to get people's attention and focus on Him.

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