August 9, 2011


In the last couple of months, I have been tested and tried. In that I have been changing, seeing myself for the beautiful, loved woman God has made me. I am not perfect, nor will I ever claim to be. I have made mistakes, but I repent from them and ask for forgiveness from myself, the people I have sinned against, and God. I have found there are people I know that don't understand who God is and think that it isn't ok to separate myself from that which is hurting me. I realize my actions are misunderstood and people will take offense to them, but I ask that those people whom take offense have forgiveness written on their hearts instead of allowing the offense to attach itself to them. I will not allow the hurt, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, anger, fear, grief, perversion, or any other negative emotion or sin to attach itself to me. It may mean that I don't speak with you for a period of time until God can strengthen my foundation in Him. God works in ways that even I, one of His loved children, do not understand.
I ask that no one pleads with me to keep in contact with you. If God says for me to not speak with you, I will listen to him before I listen to a fellow human. You don't know what God is doing in my heart, mind and soul unless I tell you. You don't know the conversations I have with Him. God's wisdom is greater than any human wisdom and what makes sense to Him doesn't always make sense to us, especially to those who don't have a personal relationship with Him.
I came to Texas unsure of what to expect, not knowing what kind of changes God had in mind for me. I still am unsure of what to expect, but I do know God has good plans for me, good changes to  make within me. I pray for the people in my life who do not know God, that they may come to know Him. I desire for them to realize their own potential, which can only be found in God.
Something I am learning is that my life is not my own, and that it isn't such a bad thing for me to belong to God. We are here because of Him, so why not Give Him the Glory instead of taking it for ourselves? What about ourselves deserves Glory? The knowledge and abilities we have, we have because they have been given to us by an almighty, sovereign, loving, just, forgiving God.
I desire to live the life I have been given to Glorify my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I desire to be loving, kind, forgiving, joyful, peaceful, firm, uplifting, confident. I want to be a blessing to the people around me. I want to be able to discipline and rebuke when needed. I want to be able to look people in the eye and tell them who my God is, and why I am different. I want people to see God in me, rather than seeing me.