January 12, 2011


Instead of contemplating covering again, I just covered. Despite the fact I like how my hair looks now, I know that I cannot forsake what I know I have been called to do. I find that I think about God more and pray more when my head is covered versus uncovered.
I find it a bit funny that I, a woman who did not grow up in the church, am convicted to to wear a headscarf. I don't even remember how I came across the information or how I was lead to read 1 Corinthians 11. I just know that God has been pressing against my heart to cover my head. As much as I liked how I looked without a headcovering the last month, I kept feeling as if I was missing something--but I was and the Holy Spirit was telling me to headcover again.
I found a really good article about Christian headcovering and I will make it a point to post it soon. I am always looking for information backing up Scripture as to make sure I am following the Word the way God intended for it to be followed.
I started wearing makeup not to long ago. My whole philosophy is that as long as it is "modest" it isn't a problem that we women wear makeup/cosmetics. 

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