April 26, 2014


Adonai has been bringing me to the realization that as a believer in Yeshua (Jesus), if I read, observe and obey some of Scripture, then I need to do the same with all of Scripture. I'm not trying to be legalistic; Yeshua himself said that if we love him, we will do as he tells us and follow his commands.
Everything we do should be coming from a place of love, respect and honor for Adonai (Lord).

I do see a need to define legalism as I define it. I see legalism as adding man made laws to Scripture and/or believing that following the law is what saves us. This is what the Pharisees did. This is what Jewish Kosher laws do. And those are just a couple of examples.

Adonai gave us the Torah (which actually means guidelines and instructions in Hebrew) as a way for us to live a set apart lives, to help us realize how much we need Him, and point us to Yeshuah. Even though Yeshuah has already walked this earth, died and resurrected, many of the instructions Abba (father) gave us in the Torah are still valid and for today. The Ten Commandments are even still valid for today. The greatest commandment of loving Adonai with all of our heart, mind, and soul, and loving our neighbor is essentially a sum of  the Ten Commandments. If you look closely at them, you will make the proper connection. The first four are about loving and honoring Adonai, the fifth is about honoring your parents (loving other people), the last five are about loving, respecting and honoring other people.

Adonai wants our love, honor, respect, praise, worship, and obedience. When we live in a place of obedience to Adonai, He is more willing to fully bless us, to give us more. When we are good stewards of what He allows us to have, He allows us to have more.

I know obedience is a hard thing to swallow for American believers, because we do value independence and pride, but we have to let go of those and replace them with humility and responsibility of our own actions, thoughts, words, and emotions.

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