November 5, 2010

Why I Wear a Headcovering

Why I Wear a Headcovering

You say that wearing a headcovering is a form of bondage?

I say it is an expression of my freedom in Christ.

You say that it oppresses women.

I say that it reminds me of the stole draped over my head when receiving the prayer of absolution after making confession.

You say that it is only "cultural" and does not apply to today.

I say, neither does turning the other cheek make sense in our culture. Neither does "blessed are the poor in spirit". Neither does "blessed are the meek".

You say your head is your own.

I say that I gave my head to Christ.

You say your hair is your glory and your covering.

I say that I can neither make my hair, make it grow, or keep it from falling out. Only my creator can do that.

The only things I can do with my hair are let it grow, cut it off, color it, or cover it. I have done all these things. But now I cover it.

What does this all mean? A question I have asked myself many times as the years have gone by. What does it mean that the husband is the head of the wife? Kephale in the Greek. Source. Submission. Harmony. And husbands love your wife as Christ loved the Church. Perhaps it is more than a "headship" covering. Perhaps it is a revolutionary statement. For more than just myself.

What does it mean, "on account of the angels"? Oh, to serve God with the purity of an angel!

For whatever reason, this will not leave me alone.

I do not belong to myself.

"Let it be done unto me according to Thy will."

Mary said that. She is covered.

I want to be like her.

I do not belong to myself. I belong to God.

So I cover.

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