March 16, 2010

Angkor's Faebles: The Little Monkey of Wat Phnom

There once was a little monkey that lived in Wat Phnom, along with all the other monkeys who played there.

This little monkey was a special monkey, because while all the other monkeys looked for food in the trees and the trash, he liked to go right up to the people! The little monkey eventually was brave enough to take food from the people's hands, and even sit on their lap!

The other monkeys were too afraid to do what the little monkey was doing, but they admired his little monkey bravery. "How i wish i could go and touch a human being" the other monkeys would say, "this little monkey gets much more food than we do because he is so brave!"
Then, one day, the people stopped coming to Wat Phnom, and the little monkey got lonely. He had no more people to touch, and he had no more food. The little monkey had spent so much time being given food, he never learned how to look for it himself, in fact he couldn't even really climb a tree!

All the people were gone, and the other monkeys were up in the trees gathering food, and the little monkey was hungry and alone. Since he was too old by that time for the other monkeys to teach him the skills he needed to survive, he died a slow and painful death of starvation and loneliness.

the end

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